
The Virginia Health Care Foundation produces data and information about health issues in the Commonwealth, specifically regarding Virginians without health insurance and access to care-related topics.

Profile of Virginia’s Uninsured

For detailed demographic information about Virginians without health insurance, there is no better resource than the Foundation’s Profile of Virginia’s Uninsured. The in-depth analysis provides detailed data about uninsured Virginians, those who may be eligible for Medicaid/FAMIS or financial assistance on the Marketplace.

Key findings from the 2024 Profile of Virginia’s Uninsured include:

  • 7.7% of Virginians under age 65 are without health insurance (544,000).
  • Nearly 40% uninsured Virginians, ages 19 – 64, lived in families with income 138% FPL, so are income-eligible for the adult Medicaid that became available in January 2019 (38.7%, 176,000).
  • Of the 88,000 children in Virginia without health insurance, 39,000 are income-eligible for Medicaid/FAMIS, representing 44.3% of all uninsured Virginia children.

Assessment of the Capacity of Virginia’s Licensed Behavioral Health Workforce

The Assessment is intended to help public and private organizations that want to help increase access to basic mental health services for Virginians prioritize investments of time and resources. It is also a tool to provide a baseline to measure progress to expand Virginia’s behavioral health (BH) workforce to meet current and future demand for BH services.

It provides statewide and locality-specific data on the capacity of each of Virginia’s five types of licensed BH professionals; data regarding Virginia’s pipeline to produce more licensed BH professionals; the current demand for them; and the consequences of an inadequate supply.

A summary of key findings follows:

  • A large and disproportionate number of Virginia’s licensed BH professionals are at or near retirement age (61% of Psychiatrists are age 55 or older).
  • Virginia’s BH workforce does not reflect the racial and ethnic diversity of the Commonwealth’s population overall.
  • Most Virginia localities are federally-designated Mental Health Professional Shortage Areas (MHPSAs).
  • Virginia localities with no or a few BH professionals have poorer outcomes on key BH indicators than localities with more BH professionals.
  • The number of those graduating from Virginia’s BH professional graduate programs who ultimately become licensed in the state is insufficient to maintain even the current inadequate supply of BH professionals.

Last Updated on April 1, 2024