State and National Statistics and Studies
This webpage includes links to resources for statistics and studies related to individuals who do not have health insurance or are enrolled in Medicaid.
Virginia Data
The Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) administers Virginia’s Medicaid program, providing access to comprehensive health care for 1.9 million Virginians (medical, dental and behavioral health services). The links below go to pages of the DMAS website showing aggregate data about Medicaid members and their health services utilization.
- The Medicaid/FAMIS Enrollment Dashboard provides details about enrollment in all of Virginia’s state-sponsored health insurance programs.
- The Expansion Dashboard provides up-to-date information on Virginians enrolled in the new adult health coverage, which became effective January 1, 2019.
- The Access Dashboard provides a snapshot of utilization of health services by adult Virginians enrolled in the new adult coverage.
For more information about Medicaid eligibility in Virginia and how to apply, visit CoverVA.
To learn more about Virginians who do not have health insurance, please go to the Profile of Virginia’s Uninsured page.
National Data and Information
The national organizations below provide helpful data and information about the uninsured and the impact of uninsurance on individuals, families and the larger community.
Families USA: Families USA is a national nonprofit, non-partisan organization dedicated to the achievement of high-quality, affordable health care for all Americans. It includes reports regarding uninsurance, Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and other health-related topics.
Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured: The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured provides information and analysis on health care coverage and access for the low-income population, with a special focus on Medicaid’s role and coverage for working Americans. The Commission’s work is conducted by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation staff under the guidance of a bipartisan group of national leaders and experts in health care and public policy.
Urban Institute: The Urban Institute is a nonprofit research organization that provides data and evidence to help advance upward mobility and equity. It is a trusted resource for data to inform decision-making to improve the well-being of families and communities and on economic growth. The Urban Institute has prepared VHCF’s annual Profile of Virginia’s Uninsured for more than a decade.
These articles are amongst the most comprehensive resources on issues regarding children and adults without health insurance.
The Uninsured: A Primer: Under the ACA, 39 states have expanded Medicaid. Still, millions of Americans are uninsured. The Primer describes how health insurance has changed since the ACA was enacted, profiles the uninsured and summarizes the impact of insurance on individual health outcomes and household finances.
Key Facts About the Uninsured: This Kaiser Family Foundation report describes trends in health insurance, profiles the characteristics of the uninsured population, and summarizes the access and financial implications of not having health coverage.
Issue Brief: The Consequences of Being Uninsured: This report shows the clear consequences of not having health insurance on an individual, the health system overall, and those with health insurance.
Who Are the Remaining Uninsured, and What Do Their Characteristics Tell Us About How to Reach Them: This report by the Urban Institute, funded by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, describes who is uninsured after the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and implementation of the Health Insurance Marketplace. It also includes demographic characteristics of children and adults who remain uninsured to help focus outreach and enrollment efforts.
Last Updated on January 12, 2022